Online Prayer Center
ConnectUp offers Personal Prayer Ministry to individuals seeking healing, freedom, and strengthening in their connection with God.
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You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. We value the opportunity to pray for our community. To protect privacy, we will omit names and other specific identifying information before prayer requests are approved.
I was wondering if you can pray for my nino. He is in icu on a ventilator not able to breathe on his own and his lungs are really damaged.
My nina has set a date if he doesn't get better by this Saturday, they are gonna put him on a comfort care where they give him morphine and watch him slowly pass. He is 48 years old and he still has plans and trips we wanna do and it's really impacting our family. We pray for him every day wishing he gets better and home so PLEASE SHARE TO EVERYONE WE NEED HIM SO MUCH!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH
Received: November 12, 2020
Emilie Drake
Please pray for my friend who's having prostate surgery tomorrow at 1:00 & that Drs get it all & didn't spread.
Also for his wife (my dear friend) for peace.
Thank you so much. ️
Received: November 11, 2020
I have 2 requests
My wife has pre existing health issues. She may have been exposed to Covid 19 virus this past Sunday. Please pray for GOD to protect her and heal her if she gets it. And all us around her.
Also, I fell in my garage last night and hurt my shoulder. Having trouble lifting my arm. Very painful I pray it’s not serious as I can’t afford additional medical bills. Thank
You and God bless you all!
Received: November 11, 2020
Prayers please for my son’s step mom & her mother. They found a tumor behind her mothers eye today. Prayers for removal of the tumor, for healing for her mother and for strength for my sons step mom. Thank you
Received: November 7, 2020
Please pray for me tomorrow at 11 am on 11/05/2020. I am suppose to meet with a head guy at work tomorrow over my incident. I am asking prayer that I dont lose my job at work. Thank you
Received: November 4, 2020
Uyghur concentration camp 2
May I update prayer for concentration camps of Uyghurs?
About a month ago I requested prayer deeply thankful for your prayer.
The purpose of this request is to ask you become expert at Uyghur/Chinese camps,also pray like Chinese who are directly involved.
1st request I introduced the whole picture of reform through labor and current situation of Uyghurs,
This time I'd like to request especially for Chinese Christians : As four types of people generally referred detained in Chinese concentration camp-(Uyghurs,Falungong practitioners,Christians,Tibetans),I think once I have to concern Chinese Christians though yes,there were lots of cruel testimonies of Uyghurs left behind accounting whole pictures.
About whole pictures,Chinese Christians believe there are 80 million members in China (2017 'The Freedom House' counted also 80 million around that number);
Among Christians commonly classify their churches as 4 levels : 1) The Petriotic Three-Self Church (三子教会) : Which formed since 1957 Government rule under Chinese government 2) Registered (登记 Dung-ji) Underground Churches : Which report to government they are meeting as Churches though receiving interferences 3) Resisting Churches : Resist the registration system operate openly though risking their lives 4.And most faithful churches started to conceal themselves even closing from every approaches/contact from outside,from silent cabinets (Because they found many secret police entered the churches)
When Xi Jinping started to abolish all 4 levels of churches (Famous for demolishing church-cross videos in journals),currently 1)Armed police are surveilling inside worship place,2)They are arresting pastors and church members,damaging church properties,3) At midnight police squad raid into (house) churches,4) Beat the members/Interrogate with unimaginable tortures 5) And put them on forced labor
Among Underground Church Christians Members have arrested suffer forced labor inside the reform camps,which actually is scene by scene Auschwitz.put them all kinds/means of torture
2] Killing amount of labor (49m 59s on the above video),malnutrition and human experimentations/organ harvestings.
During terms of prison forcing (religious) conversion continues,Inside the labor camps,after they get released
After be released even with how much daily electricity use they surveil worship inside (even) silent cabinets
Faithful Christians keep their faith even with 20,30 years life in prison,though some yields,also exist a lot of martyrs.
Though total number of believers cracking down desperately (Like Zen Ze-kiun (陳日君) : Cardinal of Hongkong claimed)
1990's we've seen great 'revival of underground churches' what we have seen was great 'flash of hope of future world churches,
I think we should pray for restoration of Chinese churches from this crisis
Please pray for :
1.Pregnant women,small babies/orphans,elders,disable detainees (receiving most vicious tortures) Underground Church Christians,Uyghurs,recently arrested Hongkongers(who are senting to Chinese prisons) ,Tibetans,Falungongs of each camps
2.Christian Brothers and Sisters (receiving most vicious tortures) also with spiritually
3.A newly reported 'sterilization injections' in Xinjiang (to every Uyghur females) : 4.No organ harvestings/human experimentation to achieve,forced labor,for religious freedom in China.
Thank you so much for your attention for Christians in China,As Uyghur problems are surfacing,I am glad to pray with others about Underground church members in China.谢谢
Received: November 4, 2020
Martha Blakley
I have cancer with two weeks to live. I need your prayers for healing.
Received: November 4, 2020
I pray for our churches. I see us doing great things for the community & it's amazing seeing followers of Jesus showing love & being love. I pray for our pastors who deliver the message of God that they clearly hear God's voice & are able to speak God's truth without fear. Candy coated sermons are good at first sight but we need sermons that preach the hard truth also. If our church is to afraid to stand for the things Jesus stands for who will? Please let your voice be heard Lord.
Received: November 3, 2020
Please pray that the person I love, we get together in a beautiful and true relationship. I want to be his shield forever from any trouble, I want to give him his much deserving happiness. Please God get us together , I want to be his partner in every sense in good and hard times. I have always found a true friend in him and now I wish to become his soulmate
Received: November 3, 2020
D R Congo (KIVU region especially,where open fire is still ongoing)
Would you please pray for D R Congo? Formerly I requested prayer for Chernobyl children and
Deeply thankful for your contribution.These are the prayer details I used to pray personally,and I hope more people to participate with.
-D R Congo-
-Prayer request for D R Congo-
Situated in Central Africa, past 25 years has suffered devastating civil war's D R Congo need your prayer.
Famous for Mukwege and 400 thousand female victims (A lot of them are infected with HIV with this evil, half of them on Fistula disease,which 90% of them cannot get any treatment)
Genocide and torture for civilians were ubiquity past 25 years.
Would you please pray for 450 thousand refugees,93% children don't have malaria protection,4 million orphans and 2 million children malnourished;
And for 1)Children under 5 years old fighting their lives with pneumonia,malnutrition,tuberculosis,malaria,HIV,low birth weight,diarrhoeal disease.(Also up to 12 years children,and up to 40 years adults (The population structure of D R Congo are concentrated on this age)
2)Pregnant women (Their world's 9th highest maternal mortality rate) ,women fallen on Fistula
3)No more genocide (clash between people) to happen,mercy on civilians during wartime.
4)Mercy on the people who are involving battle today
5)Female protection from violence/evil against women during wartime.(Annual 400 thousand;)
6)Lastly let me emphasize this same kinds of war,also spreading neighboring Central African Republic,Chad (If you are able,please pray with case by case same details)
Lastly, adding some more information there are child soldiers using as human shields.30 thousand among them,lots of 7,8 years old boys know nothing.For girl children, cannot escape evil for women, praying for this country,most thing mind me was that there were child soldiers giving up themselves in dark barracks somewhere (Give up to run away by their bodies brutalized or leave themselves to the flow of war).
Thank you for your prayer for war-torn D R Congo.