Service Times
9:30 + 11:00am
Holy Week Service Times
Good Friday - April 18
Easter - April 20
9:30 + 11:00am
Kidzone is offered at both services for newborn - 5th grade.

The Table Church South News
BLESS Training (1-day)
Saturday, April 5, 2025: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Pittsburgh West, 1000 Crossroads Drive, Oakdale, PA 15071
Jesus sends us on an exciting mission to share God’s love in the places where we live, work, learn, and play. Many followers of Jesus want to share their faith with others, but barriers like busyness or fear of rejection hold us back. In BLESS Training, you’ll learn how God uses ordinary people to naturally reach their circle of relationships through the BLESS process. We’ll provide you with the foundation and strategies to become a disciple maker through the everyday rhythms of your life so that you can make an eternal impact. Register:
Next Step
April 13, 2025 immediately after services
If you are new or relatively new to The Table, Next Step is a great opportunity for you to find out more about the church, ask any questions that you have, and meet someone on staff.
Good Friday
Friday, April 18: 6:30 PM
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Kidzone (infant - 5th grade available) will be available.
Sunday, April 20: 9:30 + 11:00 AM
Join us as we mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ and celebrate the triumph of life over death. Kidzone (infant - 5th grade available) will be available.
April 25-26, 2025
Focus is a 2-Day event, designed to challenge students (currently in grades 5-12) to step out and bring help and hope to our communities. Together, we will bless others and serve them in practical ways. Our mission is to do small acts of kindness with great love to change our city. Focus is a great opportunity for students to grow in their faith and we want every student to experience all that God has in store for them. Register:
E-mail for info about any scheduled events (Pgh South)
The goal of MOMCO is simple - gathering and supporting moms. A MOMCO meeting includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations and videos. But more important, you'll get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood. We are better together! More info: