21 Days of Prayer
Table Guide
January 12-18, 2025

From January 6-26, The Table Church will be joining followers of Jesus around the globe in starting the year with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. We are inviting our church to join together to pray every morning at 6 AM, live on the Table Church app (also available on demand) and committing to personal prayer and fasting. 

We have provided a weekly video resource for Tables to grow by practicing prayer together. You can also plan a prayer meeting yourself. While some may feel nervous to pray, this is a great space to practice and grow outside of our comfort zones together! If doing a Discovery Bible Study is more appropriate for your Table, you can find that below, as well as a suggested passage. 

1-hour Guided Prayer (Click Link to Video)

How to Plan a Prayer Meeting

Discovery Bible Study 

(Suggested passage: Luke 11:1-11)

Table Talk (⅓ of meeting)

  • What are you thankful for? What’s a challenge you’re facing?
  • How did it go with your “I will” statement from our last meeting? 
  • Did you share what we talked about with anyone?

Discover (⅓ of meeting)

  • Read the passage.
  • Have someone re-share this in their own words.
  • What stands out to you?
  • What does this Scripture say about God?
  • What does this Scripture say about people?

Go do it (⅓ of meeting)

  • According to this study, what are you doing well? What do you need to change?
  • How can you specifically live out this passage in the next few days? (Everyone creates an “I Will” statement)
  • Who are you going to tell about what you discovered?
  • Who can you invite to our Table? Pray for them. 

Discussion Guidelines: 

  1. Everyone shares in sentences, not paragraphs. 
  2. Focus only on what this passage is saying, not on other passages.
  3. Share from your perspective – we won’t argue or give advice. 
  4. Give everyone time to respond. Silence is OK. 
  5. The facilitator will facilitate discussion, not teach.