21 Days of Prayer
Table Guide
January 19-25, 2025

From January 6-26, The Table Church will be joining followers of Jesus around the globe starting in the year with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, which concludes with a celebration on January 26. RSVP at table.org/21days.  

We have provided a weekly video resource for Tables to grow by practicing prayer together. You can also plan a prayer meeting yourself. While some may feel nervous to pray, this is a great space to practice and grow outside of our comfort zones together! If doing a Discovery Bible Study is more appropriate for your Table, you can find that below, as well as a suggested passage. 

1-hour Guided Prayer (Click Link to Video)

How to Plan a Prayer Meeting

Discovery Bible Study 
(Suggested passage: Acts 4:23-31)

Table Talk (⅓ of meeting)

  • What are you thankful for? What’s a challenge you’re facing?
  • How did it go with your “I will” statement from our last meeting? 
  • Did you share what we talked about with anyone?

Discover (⅓ of meeting)

  • Read the passage.
  • Have someone reshare this in their own words.
  • What stands out to you?
  • What does this Scripture say about God?
  • What does this Scripture say about people?

Go do it (⅓ of meeting)

  • According to this study, what are you doing well? What do you need to change?
  • How can you specifically live out this passage in the next few days? (Everyone creates an “I Will” statement)
  • Who are you going to tell about what you discovered?
  • Who can you invite to our Table? Pray for them. 

Discussion Guidelines: 

  1. Everyone shares in sentences, not paragraphs. 
  2. Focus only on what this passage is saying, not on other passages.
  3. Share from your perspective – we won’t argue or give advice. 
  4. Give everyone time to respond. Silence is OK. 
  5. The facilitator will facilitate discussion, not teach.