Hurry Up & Wait
Table Discussion Guide
March 30 – April 6, 2025

Text: Exodus 40:34-38

Big idea: God is a guide, not a map.

Table Talk: 

  • What’s a word you always mispronounce or misspell? 
  • What are you thankful for? What’s a challenge you’re facing? 
  • How has it been going with fishing and following? 

Following = taking steps of faith.

Fishing = sharing the love of Jesus with others. 

Context for the passage: The Tabernacle where the Israelites are able to meet with God is finally complete. But at the grand opening, Moses can’t enter because of God’s glory- they will need to wait yet again. This is why Leviticus is written as a guide for the priests to learn how to meet with a holy God. 

Discover what God is saying to you. (⅓ of meeting)
Read Exodus 40:34-38

  • What do you learn about following God from this passage?
  • God doesn’t give the Israelites a map to the Promised Land, but guides them. Why?
  • What ways has God guided you in the past, even if things didn’t turn out as expected? 
  • It would be understandable if Moses was disappointed that he couldn’t enter the Tabernacle to meet with God as expected. How do you respond to disappointment?
  • What lessons have you learned when you had to wait on God? 

Go do it (⅓ of meeting) 

  • Take some time to ask God for guidance in a specific area of your life. 
  • Make an “I will …” statement and share it with everyone. 
  • Pair up and pray for each other to experience victory over that area.