What is FOCUS?

Focus is a 2-Day event, designed to challenge students (currently in grades 5-12) to step out and bring help and hope to our communities. Together, we will bless others and serve them in practical ways. Our mission is to do small acts of kindness with great love to change our city. Focus is a great opportunity for students to grow in their faith and we want every student to experience all that God has in store for them.

What is the general format of FOCUS?

Focus starts on Friday night with high-energy worship, fun games, a message relevant to them and dinner! We’ll end the night with an After Party that students won’t want to miss, then they will spend the night at The Table Church. Saturday is a jam packed day–lots of fun, plenty of food, service projects, games, worship and students will leave challenged to live on mission. Trained adults will supervise students at all times. We’ll end our time together on Saturday night with a fun and re-filling time in God’s presence.

What types of projects will students complete?

Service projects may include:

  • House cleaning
  • Yard work
  • Painting
  • Wood Removal
  • And more!
Will food be provided?

Yes, registration covers all meals while students are with us.

Who will be supervising students?
All approved leaders will:
  • Have background clearances required to work with minors.
  • Be able to lead a group of teens and create a safe atmosphere to grow spiritually.
  • Be the primary leader, relational contact, and encourager of God’s love to the teens.
What are student expectations for FOCUS?

In effort to maximize the experience for everyone, students should understand the following expectations:

Cell Phones
Students are encouraged to leave phones at home. If a student brings their phone, there will be certain times during the weekend that they will be asked to put them away and/or turn them off (including program gatherings, small group time, and after lights out). Parents will have contact info for all Youth Directors in case of an emergency, and students will be able to contact their parents in case of an urgent matter.

All students are expected to arrive on time Friday night and participate until pick up time on Saturday evening, this includes the overnight stay, and Saturday activities. Parents may speak with a member of the staff about extenuating circumstances and/or family emergencies that may arise.

Student Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves respectfully towards others; this includes demonstrating kindness toward other participants and all leaders. Bullying, physical aggression, and disrespecting an adult leader will not be tolerated. Students are expected to remain with their Focus group and adult leaders at all times. The staff reserves the right to contact parents and arrange pick up if a student’s behavior does not follow these expectations.

What is the cost to attend FOCUS?

The cost for the entire weekend includes all activities, meals, transportation, and t-shirt for $75! Students can register early and save $15 by using the promo code:  EARLYBIRD

Is there anything special that I should pack?

□ Bible, pencil and/or pen
□ Pillow and sleeping bag
□ Toiletries (tooth brush, deodorant, etc.)
□ Air mattress/cot (recommended)
□ Comfortable work clothes (may get dirt or paint on them)
□ Change of clothes after service projects
□ Closed-toe work shoes (may get dirt or paint on them)
□ Sweater or hoodie for layers
□ Rain gear!
□ Work gloves (optional but recommended)
□ Protective eyewear (optional but recommended)
□ Prescription medications (as required)