February 21, 9:00 AM

– February 22, 9:00 AM

Join us for 24 hours of prayer as we seek God’s presence together, creating space for Him to move. This is more than an event—it’s an opportunity to be forged in the fire of prayer, to listen, confess, worship, and intercede. As we press in, we believe God will bring healing, revival, and awakening, igniting a deeper connection to Him and calling us to radical availability for His purpose.


Throughout these 24 hours we will have times of worship, interactive prayer stations, and different themes for prayer each hour. Come encounter the God who transforms hearts, restores lives, and lights the way for His people.


Come for an hour, come for 24 hours – but expect God to change you!


The Table Church – Pittsburgh West
1000 Crossroads Drive, Oakdale, PA 15071

What should I do to maximize my experience?
  • Expect God to speak.
    -Bring your Bible, notebook, and something to write about what you may hear from God.
  • For those joining for an extended time or the whole 24 hours:
    -Wear clothes for comfort/dress in layers.
    -Bring snacks.
    -Water will be available.
    -If you plan to sit on the floor for extended periods, feel free to bring a pillow.
  • Plan to grow in prayer!
    -You will have a guide every step of the way!
    -Let’s go after the heart of God and allow Him to work in us!

Childcare available at select times with advance registration.

  • Friday, February 21, 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Infants through preschool
  • Friday, February 21, 7:00 – 8:00 PM. Infants through Grade 5
Schedule of Events

9 am – 10 am: Opening Worship
10 am – 11 am: Confession, Led by Jenna Bartlomain
11 am – 12 pm: Intercession, Led by Karen Campbell + Luanne Kozlowski
12 pm – 1 pm: At the Feet of Jesus, Led by Mike Coffield + Barry Mlinarcik
1 pm – 3 pm: Stillness, Led by Christy Gibas
3 pm – 4 pm: Confession, Led by Christy Gibas
4 pm – 5 pm: Consecrated, Led by David Dickenson

5 pm – 6 pm: Student Led Prayer, Led by the students of The Table Church
6 pm – 7 pm: Faith, Led by Connor + Haley Roese
7 pm – 8 pm: Evening Worship + Revival
8 pm – 9 pm: Intercessory Worship, Led by Flo Demus
9 pm – 10 pm: Prayer for our Community, Led by Autumn Growe
10 pm – 11 pm: Health & Wellness: Healing our Communities, Led by Helen Baratta
11 pm – 12 am: Prayer for the Next Generation, Led by Connor Roese 

12 am – 1 am: Pizza + Praise, Led by Christy Gibas
1 am – 2 am: Praying God’s Will, Led by Ty Demus + Brenna Laughery
2 am – 3 am: Bonfire
3 am – 4 am: God’s Sufficient Grace, Led by Celebrate Recovery
4 am – 5 am: Spiritual Strongholds, Led by Bill Billick
5 am – 6 am: Prodigals, Led by Mark & Ginny Belko
6 am – 7 am: Spiritual Awakening, Led by Darren Hannum
7 am – 8 am: Kingdom Prayer, Led by Grant and Caroline Martin
8 am – 9 am: Closing Worship

*Schedule subject to change