February 21, 9:00 AM
– February 22, 9:00 AM
The Table Church – Pittsburgh West
1000 Crossroads Drive, Oakdale, PA 15071
What should I do to maximize my experience?
- Expect God to speak.
-Bring your Bible, notebook, and something to write about what you may hear from God. - For those joining for an extended time or the whole 24 hours:
-Wear clothes for comfort/dress in layers.
-Bring snacks.
-Water will be available.
-If you plan to sit on the floor for extended periods, feel free to bring a pillow. - Plan to grow in prayer!
-You will have a guide every step of the way!
-Let’s go after the heart of God and allow Him to work in us!
Childcare available at select times with advance registration.
- Friday, February 21, 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Infants through preschool
- Friday, February 21, 7:00 – 8:00 PM. Infants through Grade 5
Schedule of Events
9 am – 10 am: Opening Worship
10 am – 11 am: Confession, Led by Jenna Bartlomain
11 am – 12 pm: Intercession, Led by Karen Campbell + Luanne Kozlowski
12 pm – 1 pm: At the Feet of Jesus, Led by Mike Coffield + Barry Mlinarcik
1 pm – 3 pm: Stillness, Led by Christy Gibas
3 pm – 4 pm: Confession, Led by Christy Gibas
4 pm – 5 pm: Consecrated, Led by David Dickenson
5 pm – 6 pm: Student Led Prayer, Led by the students of The Table Church
6 pm – 7 pm: Faith, Led by Connor + Haley Roese
7 pm – 8 pm: Evening Worship + Revival
8 pm – 9 pm: Intercessory Worship, Led by Flo Demus
9 pm – 10 pm: Prayer for our Community, Led by Autumn Growe
10 pm – 11 pm: Health & Wellness: Healing our Communities, Led by Helen Baratta
11 pm – 12 am: Prayer for the Next Generation, Led by Connor Roese
12 am – 1 am: Pizza + Praise, Led by Christy Gibas
1 am – 2 am: Praying God’s Will, Led by Ty Demus + Brenna Laughery
2 am – 3 am: Bonfire
3 am – 4 am: God’s Sufficient Grace, Led by Celebrate Recovery
4 am – 5 am: Spiritual Strongholds, Led by Bill Billick
5 am – 6 am: Prodigals, Led by Mark & Ginny Belko
6 am – 7 am: Spiritual Awakening, Led by Darren Hannum
7 am – 8 am: Kingdom Prayer, Led by Grant and Caroline Martin
8 am – 9 am: Closing Worship
*Schedule subject to change