Online Prayer Center
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Greetings from the Mujde Church (Good News Church) in Istanbul
Could you kindly pray over:
1. The business endeavors of Christian woman. That God brings connections, directs steps, gives vision.
2. A project that aims to protect children from child trafficking. That the people God choses get involved with the vision and wisdom of the Lord.
3. For protection of a Christian against attempts to steal her inheritance in a step family situation --- where her giving to the church could also be used as an excuse to take away her inheritance.
4.That the people our little church in Istanbul is trying to minister fall in love with Jesus, and follow Him faithfully, in great faith and repentance.
5.Seismologists (scientists that specialize in earthquakes) have been warning based on scientific evidence that Istanbul (as has happened in history) will have a huge earthquake--- but that the housing construction (unlike Japan for example) is not prepared for such a big earthquake, made with vulnerable material. Scientists are saying that because of poorly constructed buildings more than a hundred thousand people would die. Could you pray for our protection.
6.People are grieved that many missionaries (much more than in the past) are being kicked out of Turkey. Please pray.
With deepest respect in Christ,