Online Prayer Center
ConnectUp offers Personal Prayer Ministry to individuals seeking healing, freedom, and strengthening in their connection with God.
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Please send special prayers for a young family. The father has been diagnosed with Spontaneous Pneumothorax which is the beginning stages of lung disease which runs in his family. He had just landed a new job and a few weeks into the job was hospitalized and lost income due to being in and out of the hospital for the past month. The first hospital visit lasted almost 2 weeks where he require multiple surgeries including 2 chest tubes and his lung glued to the chest wall. When he was finally released his condition worsened at home and had to return to the hospital where he is currently. This second hospital visit has lasted over a week long so far and has required additional procedures with 2 lung fluid drainage tubes in his back.
The family has been living on minimal income before his condition and getting hired for his job, they were so excited, feeling like some weight lifted off their shoulder then this happened. They also have 3 young boys and a 1 year old baby boy. He also does not have health insurance.
Please send prayers for healing, finances, strength, resolve and peace.